Saturday 5 January 2013


MY FIRST CRUSH...!! |Just Awesome ♥| 21th November.2012 evening while surfing net I
received a friend request of a girl with 9 mutual
friendz...I thought of checking out her profile...the
very next moment I enlarged her profile pic...I waz jaw
dropped...omg...itz "HER"..."MY FIRST CRUSH"...!! Suddenly I went to flashback...Itz been almost 10
yearz but still I remember each n every moment spent

with her...I waz in 4th standard when I noticed her for
the first time...she waz my classmate...the most
popular girl in our class...she waz cute n beautiful...I
still remember she used to take part in all class activitiez whether it waz
.I waz attracted towardz her...actually it waz a bit
more than "SOFT CORNER"...!! But at that time I waz a geek type boy...whoz main
aim waz just to bring 1st rank nothing else...may be
thatz why she didn't noticed me much...I could feel
that somehow...Secretly I did many thingz for her...I
still remember whenever she used to miss her
classes due to her co-curricular activitiez it waz me who used to copy down her work n secretly hand it
over to her...I felt so good when she used to sit with
me in the school bus...I still remember I used to hate
when any guy talk to her but whenever we were
seated together I just used to love it n secretly
thanked my teacher for that great deed as it used to make my day...there waz alwayz a cute smile on my
face whenever she waz somewhere near...I used to
gain her attention by either talking a bit louder or by
laughing out loud...I still remember when we were
made the class monitorz together n I used to stand
with her n feel so waz the best time ever really...!! All these thingz continued when in 5th standard I left
school...although she waz just a friend but she waz
the one whom I missed the most n whom I still
remember...momentz spent in school life were
actually the best n the most nostalgic momentz which
one could cherish throughout their lifetime...I wish I could get hold of time n get my school life back...but
since life is all about moving on even I moved on with
time n buried all her memoriez in some corner of my
heart but who knew that she would again enter my
life...thanks to Mark Zuckerberg for this...!! First Crush is someone who is one of the most
special n unforgetable person in a evryone life...itz
actually one of the most beautiful experience being a
child n feeling for someone...itz very cute n sweet at
the same time as it is blendid with innocence...coz
that'z the first time when we understand what this feeling of love is...what this feeling of getting attracted
towardz someone is...itz something really close to
heart n extremely special...!! While thousandz of thingz n golden memoriez were
flashing in my mind at that moment...I simply clicked
"ACCEPT" n smiled thinking that life is really beautiful
n worth living n cherishing each n every moment...!!

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